AMBIT training now available from our own trained instructors

29th April 2019 33 front line practitioners have now been trained as AMBIT instructors across Lancashire and South Cumbria. The five day instructor training was provided by the Anna Freud Centre and every practitioner trained has committed to provide four training sessions for other frontline staff during the year. The people trained as instructors are a mixture of CAMHS, VCF sector, schools and local authority – the aim is to spread the AMBIT approach across the whole children and young people’s workforce.

If you are interested in arranging for a trained instructor to provide training to your team/setting, please contact Training can be adapted to suit many different needs and can be delivered as short sessions or longer day-long events. Please take the time to find out what our AMBIT instructors could provide for your team or setting. The links below contain further information and a series of YouTube videos about AMBIT: 

There are also two further cohorts of instructor training planned. Please contact Ruth for application details. All applicants must commit to attending the training on all five days of the cohort:

Cohort 3 
Days 1-3      5 – 7 June
Days 4-5      20 – 21 June

Cohort 4
Days 1-3      11 – 13 September
Days 4-5      26 – 27 September

We particularly want to encourage applicants from local authorities and residential providers as well as ensuring greater spread across the rest of the workforce. 

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