Local mental health services

Find resources, information, support organisations and websites to help support your mental health. The mental health services directory lists all the organisations working locally, and allows you to search for your closest service or for specific types of support, to help you get appropriate care.

Local eating disorder service

An eating disorder is a mental health condition where you use the control of food to cope with feelings and other situations. Unhealthy eating behaviours may include eating too much or too little or worrying about your weight or body shape. Anyone can develop an eating disorder but with treatment most people can recover.

Eating disorders represent serious psychological and medical problems requiring professional help. In severe cases your GP can refer you to one of the all age specialist eating disorder teams in Lancashire. Clinicians in these services include psychologists, psychological therapists, specialist nurses and dietitians. If you feel you have an eating disorder, please request an appointment with your GP who can refer you to the all age eating disorder service.

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