Eating disorders

An eating disorder is a health condition. Anyone can develop an eating disorder, regardless of their age or gender. Not everyone who has an eating disorder is underweight.

When someone has an eating disorder, they can have an unhealthy relationship with food which can make them ill. It might involve eating too much or too little or becoming obsessed with controlling their weight. The most common types of eating disorders are:

  • Anorexia nervosa: Worrying about weight or body image, and behaving in a way that keeps weight down. For example, not eating enough food or exercising too much. This can result in the child or young person becoming very ill
  • Bulimia nervosa: Going through periods of eating a lot of food quickly ('bingeing') and then trying to get rid of calories in unhealthy ways. For example, by making themselves sick, using laxatives ('purging'), exercising too much, taking medication or using diet supplements
  • Binge-eating disorder: Regularly eating large portions of food all at once (often in secret) until they feel uncomfortably full, and then often upset or guilty
  • OSFED: this means 'other specified feeding or eating disorder' and means they don't have all the typical symptoms of one of the types above – it does not mean it is a less serious illness.

When an eating disorder gets really bad it can put someone’s life at risk. However, there are treatments that can help, and people can recover from an eating disorder; the sooner that support can be identified, the better the chance of recovery.

Children and young people with eating disorders often have other mental health problems as well, such as anxiety.

Physical symptoms in severe eating disorders might include:

  • Symptoms of starvation e.g. feeling cold or dizzy
  • Stomach or digestive problems which have no obvious cause
  • Problems with teeth (some people with an eating disorder make themselves sick to get rid of the food that they have eaten and the acids from the stomach then cause damage to teeth)
  • Females may find periods become affected; they can stop or become irregular

Someone with ARFID avoids eating certain foods, limits how much they eat, or does both. 

When a person develops ARFID, they are less worried about their body weight or shape and develop the eating disorder for other reasons, which include:

  • a dislike of the smell, texture or taste of certain foods.
  • feeling anxious following a negative experience with food, for example choking or sickness. 
  • previous fussiness with eating which develops into a more severe dislike of certain foods.
  • a lack of interest in food and not feeling hungry.

ARFID is more common in children with learning difficulties, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Signs and symptoms:

  • a sudden refusal to eat foods
  • no appetite for unknown reasons 
  • fear of choking or vomiting
  • very slow eating 
  • difficulty eating meals with family and friends 
  • losing or no longer gaining weight 
  • delayed or no growth

Links to resources for CYP and parents/carers:

ARFID Awareness UK

Support for Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) - Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (

ARFID Self-Help Guide — SYEDA - South Yorkshire Eating Disorder Association

Links to resources for professionals:

Professional support for services working with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) - Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (

  • Anorexia Nervosa: A Survival Guide for Families, Friends and Sufferers by Janet Treasure
  • Boys Get Anorexia Too: Coping with Male Eating Disorders in the Family by Jenny Langley
  • Compassionate Mind Approach to Beating Overeating by Kenneth Goss
  • Eating and its Disorders by John Fox and Ken Goss
  • Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e): A Survival Kit for Sufferers of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorders by Ulrike Schmidt, Janet Treasure et al
  • Overcoming series (Anorexia Nervosa – Christopher Freeman; Binge Eating – Christopher Fairburn; Bulimia Nervosa – Peter Cooper)
  • Skills-based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Method by Janet Treasure, Gráinne Smith and Anna Crane
  • The Big Book of Blob Trees by Pip Wilson
  • Lancashire Libraries - Reading Well for Young People – Shelf Help
  • The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust book recommendations and book club

Eresource icon.png e-Resources

Mental Health First Aid England - Downloadable resources/leaflets, single page PDF posters that school can use and videos for training.

Young Minds - Training courses, free downloadable booklets/leaflets and posters/resources/materials/lesson plans for teachers and school staff – also available to order at a cost.

MindEd - MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people's mental health for all adults.

Royal College of Psychiatrists - Online advice, guidance and downloadable factsheets for staff, parents and CYP to use (good for parents’ evenings) with leaflets available to order at a cost.

MIND - Information booklets and leaflets.

The Mix - Information for professionals and CYP about a variety of mental health issues.

Moodjuice - Self-help guides and tools for professionals.

Playfield Institute - Hands On - Help and practical advice for supporting children and young people's mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Centre for Clinical Interventions - Disordered Eating - A helpful workbook on breaking free from eating disorders 

Get Self Help - This website provides self-help guides for Anorexia and Bulimia, using effective CBT strategies.

Psychology Tools - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) worksheets, handouts, and self-help resources.

NHS Northumberland, Tyne & Wear - Self-help leaflets.

Beat Eating Disorders - The Beat website features extensive information and support for eating disorders.

Childline - Information and advice on eating problems.

  • Recovery Record for clinicians is an evidence-based, HIPAA compliant application for eating disorder treatment professionals. With Recovery Record, patients will remain engaged between visits and you will have patient data and tools for timely, targeted intervention.

Training icon (2).png Training 

Your Primary Mental Health Worker: Helen Capstick

Your Primary Mental Health Worker: Michelle Taylor

Your Primary Mental Health Workers: Liz Loftus, Joanne Collins (Wyre) and Lucy Fenucciu (Fylde).

Your Primary Mental Health Worker: Wendy Hart

Your Primary Mental Health Worker: Dawn Meakin

Information-guidance-icon.png Other guidance

Your Primary Mental Health Workers: Helen Smith, Bethanne Bullion and Stephanie Rowe

Your Primary Mental Health Worker: Aliki Mavraki

Your Primary Mental Health Worker: Shamaila Iqbal

Your Primary Mental Health Workers: Annabel Nicholls and Chloe Powers

Help-advice-icon.png Further help or advice

If you cannot find the help or advice you are searching for or you need other support for a child or young person, please contact your local CAMHS team.

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