Information for children and young people

The Healthy Young Minds website is here to help you. Whatever is on your mind, you can find the information and support you need.

Our resources, links and self-help suggestions can help you feel more in control and are here for you to use whenever you like.

We'd love to hear from you if you have any ideas on how we can make this site better. If you'd like to suggest some content, please use the form at the bottom of this page.

Are you, or someone you know, not coping with life?

If you need urgent help as you are in mental health distress, you can call 0800 953 0110 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Find out more on our get help now page.

Or for confidential suicide prevention advice you can contact HOPELINE247: 0800 068 4141

For more help and advice visit the Papyrus website for young people.

Self-referral to services 

If you are under 18 years old and feeling low at this time and think that you may need some specialist support, you or your family/carer can now self-refer into services rather than wait for a GP or other health professional to refer you.

If you are under 16 years old, you will need to ask your parent or carer’s agreement where possible, this is called parental consent.

Please note: the forms you will come across when you click on the links below are currently being reviewed by young people and future editions may change.

To ensure you access the right support for you, please click on the area where you live:

If you are 16 or older and live in Lancashire, or 18 or older and live in South Cumbria, you can also access NHS Talking Therapies.

Local mental health services

Find resources, information, support organisations and websites to help support your mental health. The mental health services directory lists all the organisations working locally, and allows you to search for your closest service or for specific types of support, to help you get appropriate care.

The Wellbeing Passport

The Wellbeing Passport and card are tools for you to use to help share information about your mental health and emotional wellbeing. It is for any young person who feels they have mental health challenges and has been created by, and for, young people and their supporters in Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Read more about the passport and download/print your own (opens in new window).

wellbeing passport logo

Kooth mental health online support for 10-18 year olds

Free instant access digital mental health support is now available across Lancashire and South Cumbria for everyone aged 10 - 18.

This service provides free, safe and anonymous online mental health support whenever you need it. There are no waiting lists for support and no referral needed. Access to these platforms is available instantly 24/7.

Go to

Click on the poster below to enlarge.

kooth poster.jpg

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