- Fear from some staff to use technology
- Lack of hardware IPADS etc for everyone working in the sector.Funding is needed to support this.
- Not enough digital options offered to families
- IT systems not supporting software
- Not all organisations have social media platforms eg Twitter, Instagram or snapchat
- NHS linking up with schools and colleges to help parents increase their learning around digital
- Stigma – Young people don’t use it as it’s not ‘cool’. There is a worry their friends will find out.
- Digital is an afterthought and not the ‘Golden Thread’
- Consistency of care
- Communication issues. Tools could help to be improved
- Long waiting lists/times at CAMHS for appointments. (There needs to be something now whilst waiting for appointments
- Parent/carer worries around apps and which ones are safe
- Not equipped or have the skills to use digital technology
- Information not clear enough
- Education is not available around digital technology
- Giving people labels before we help them
- Can’t back the process of the care journey online
- Not always able to see the same person
- The NHS use text and email now, and this does not always work well
- No NHS digital access
- Loss of faith in the NHS
- Long waits for information
- NHS old fashioned and stagnant
- Un co-produced
- Unhelpful
- Unprofessional
- Digital is barrier and excludes some people
- Finances are an issue
- Other means to move information
- Information isn’t clear enough
- Schools can’t help until there is a diagnosis in place
- Schools are not interested in using digital technology
- Not given any advice into resources
- Waiting times for school counselling is a long time (not offered digitally)
- Gap in services of when young people are 16 – 18. Some fall in adult services some are young people services
- People just refer to CAHMS when there are other places/support they could get from other places
- Long waiting lists for support
- Young peoples don’t always know why they are being referred and when they are they don’t always feel listened too
- Not accessible
- Hitting 16 and ‘moved on’ out of services or to other services
- No clarity to young people and not sure why they are referred to organisations – we often don’t give consent
- Young people given medication when they don’t want it
- Disjointed
- Lack of communication
- Too complex
- Thresholds are difficult
- When you turn 16 there is nowhere to go
- Cannot access services when they are needed
- Only have 9 – 5 services
- Disjointed – NHS doesn’t seem well linked together
- 16 – 18 age gap of support
- No immediate help unless in an extreme crisis.Young people want help before it reaches this point
- Concerns around self-diagnosis and the ‘need’ for labels
- No access to services for young people age 16 – 19
- Inappropriate staff – young people are the experts of themselves not the professionals
- Not allowed to use phones at school so can’t use the apps to help support us through the day
- Consistency across the board
- Options, not prescriptive, and person centred approach
- Single point of access
- Give a choice to the young person on who supports them
- Clear channels of complaints and advice. Like a care navigator
- Better preparation for the first appointment at CAMHS
- Digital e – resource pack linked to symptoms, information and videos featuring young people’s vlogs
- Options to interact better eg – texting
- Famous people talking about their mental health. You tube videos used such as superwomanii
- Education and Training for everyone (young people, parents/carers) embedded in the curriculum like sex education
- Solution focused and not pathology for example how can we support your emotional well being
- Increased digital access to support wellbeing
- Helping young people have a better understanding about mental health
- Communicate with people
- Share information between services
- Better relationships with doctors and counsellors
- Helping people access support
- Helping people get support before they get worse
- More support for parent/carers
- Use digital technology to tackle stigma
- Positive promotion using real stories and relevant young people and age groups
- Support networks connecting better
- Less barriers getting rid of eligibility criteria
- Terminology and abbreviations making language more accessible and easier understanding
- Digital to compliment face to face and not replace
- Would like online access to book appointments
- Online advice on where and how to get help
- Getting reports/peoples story sent digitally
- Authentic and feeling genuine
- Always involving Young People
- Digital is a golden thread through all the projects
- Move away from a 9 -5 service and making it more accessible
- In conjunction with not instead of
- Asking people ‘what is right with you?’ not just ‘what is wrong with you?’
- Drop in centres to get support with digital
- Online service to be available
- Introduction to buildings and staff before arriving for appointments – access the information online
- Vlogs from staff
- Sign post to other organisations for support
- Access when young people want it and when they need it
- Link in with other youth services to utilise what they offer
- No clarity to young people and not sure why they are referred to organisations – we often don’t give consent
- Young people given medication when they don’t want it
- Need to engage more with young people
- Flexibility for treatment from text to skype to speaking to a person
- I can go to one place to get help and they send me to the right place at the right time
- Education sessions for school staff and teachers
- Address bullying particularly within school
- Parenting groups and adolescent equivalent to health visitors
- Support for parents/carers o9f all age groups of young people
- Easier referral process
- Systematic issues to be addressed
- Being aware of trends/influences
- More online signposting
- I can get help without being embarrassed about a label
- I can get customised therapy
- AI chatbook out of hours
- I can get help any time
- Electronic appointment booking so I have choices
- Online chat rooms
- Digital co-production of C&YP is an ongoing process
- Training for all staff
- All staff supported to deliver services
- Social media platforms developed
- Video profiling
- Regular updates about changes to digital technology (quarterly meetings)
- One set of information on YP is available to all agencies
- All parents/carers can connect with support networks 24/7
- General education on mental health
- A good meaningful website
- I know where to go to access help and support without barriers and stigma
- Improved data/information systems
- E-resources available for all symptoms
- Communication between professionals improves
- Online booking systems improved
- Help is consistent
- ORCHA is used more efficiently
- Accessible up to date website with options
- Vlogging used more
- Digital groups used more
- A virtual tour of Mental health services at whitegate drive
- Apps by prescription
- Ipads to help communicate how may mind works
- Promote links such as mind ed
- I was able to select who supported me
- I found the tools to feel better
- Only sharing what needs to be shared
- Single point of access
- No geographical barriers
- Apps are tested and NHS approved
- CAMHS app that has everything on there that we need
- More prevention on mental health issues prior to CAHMS
- Can access services 365 days a year
- Directory of services and availability with easy access
- More understanding in school
Digital THRIVE workshop feedback
Co-production event: Digital THRIVE – 23 May 2018 - Preston Grasshoppers
- Hopeful
- Inspired
- Tired but positive
- Hopeful
- Old!
- Confused
- Hopeful
- Hungry
- Hopeful and excited
- Optimistic
- I believe it when I see it
- Excited
- Excited
- Optimistic
- Concerned
- Hopeful this insight is used well
- Hopeful
- Grateful for the sharing
- Welcomed
- Hopeful
- Motivated
- Excited
- Hopeful
- Spoke to nice people
- Glad that changes are happening
- Upbeat
- Let’s do it
- Inspired
- Up for the challenge
- Inspired
- Proud
- Young people will be helped
- Hopeful
- Optimistic
- Energised
- Hopeful but not sure if an ideal solution can be found
- Hopeful that change will be made things will be improved
- Hopeful, but unsure how all of it will happen
- Not sure if there is an answer or money available